Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How does it feel...

How does it feel when you have finally done something that has been on your waiting list for so many years?

Happy! Excited! Confident? Energize?? Sorrow because you were afraid that you might have done something wrong along the way? And more worriness...??? Who cares...

Really, who care about that. The only one that matter the most is you, the decision maker. It is about you making that decision to throw out all the "if" questions and accept the challenges by saying "YES, I will do it and I shall give only my best".

"If" questions are truly hypothethical and it exist merely based on our own assumptions. The assumptions was derived out of the mental limitation that were imposed on us over the years. Does the following sounds familiar to you:

"Don't do this, you are far lacking behind."
"Nobody would buy your idea, don't waste your time."
"Don't take the risk dear, you will not be able to make it."

In my opinion, nothing can be more fearful than we doing something harmful to others. As long as our decision is allign to our core values and it will bring good if we choose that path, I would say "go ahead!"
So how would I feel when I have finally made that decision?

I feel good
I feel energize
I feel cheerful for I know I have nothing to be fearful, and
I see hope...

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