Tuesday, April 13, 2010

When I Am Old...

When I am old, when I am no longer the one you knew
Please understand me, be patient with me

When I spill food on my clothes, when I forget how to tie my shoes
Please remember how I had once held your hands and taught you

When I repeat over and over again words that bored you stiff
Please be patient and listen, do not cut me off
When you were a small child, I had to repeat the same stories over a thousand times, until you drifted to sleep

When I need you to help me take a bath
Please don't get mad at me
Do you remember how I had conjure you to take a batch when you were young

When new technology and new things puzzle me
Please don't laugh at me
Just think about how I had patiently answered your every "why"

When my legs are tired and I cannot walk
Please extend your youthful and strong hands and hold me
Just like the way I had held you when you learned how to walk

When I forget our conversation subjects
Please give me a little time to recall
Actually, what we discuss is not important
I will be very happy if you could just listen to me

When you see me grew old, don't be sad
Understand me, support me, just like the way I guided you when you began to learn about life
At the beginning I guided you to start life's journey, now I ask you to accompany me to finish life's last journey

Give me your love and patience, I will return with a smile filled with appreciation
And this smile, is all the unconditional love I have for you

~~~ Translated from essay from Mexican magazine, November issue, 2004

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